Saturday, August 8, 2009


The time of our life

I feel happy to share this words with you today.

There is always a point in a life of all of us where we find the initial path to walk through the time in balance with the whole universe. I am glad to say that finally today I learnt a lesson that showed me how to walk and feel in peace with myself.

Is quite obvious as all the recent happenings demonstrated, that no money, position or personal security will buy are souls or save our world where we live in. Is not about the money, not about the success or anything to do with our achievements. Neither is something to do with self power or individuality. Totally the contrary is all about the satisfaction of living among each other and with what we really need and have, and to share everything you can with others (and again I am not talking about money or material things) but care, company and guidance to whom might be in need of you.
I can assure you that if you make a little effort you might get the same feeling I have and you will have fun with that.
